Garvey & Young
Branches in St Helens, Liverpool, Ashton, Haydock, Huyton & Roby
01744 808635 - 0151 378 8547 - 01942 583432 - 01744 606200 - 0151 345 6450
We are dedicated professionals who are here to serve and provide a personal and professional service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


"The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living"
Marcus Tulliuis Cicaro
Your Choice Of Funeral
Funeral Services
Planning a funeral for a member of your family or friend is the most difficult day of your life. Everything your family and friends ever thought about a loved one is expressed on that day. Whenever someone dies it comes as a great shock, sometimes the death may be expected, but nothing prepares you for the emotional shock of losing someone.
The thought of arranging a funeral is not something any of us would want to do. This together with the distress and emotional upset, leaves the bereaved completely disorientated and unsure of what to do next. It is for this reason that our funeral directors have been trained to understand and empathise with the bereaved and to provide them with as much time as is needed.
We will endeavour, under any circumstances, to provide the bereaved with full and fair information about all the services we can provide and information we can give.
Some of the key elements to think about will obviously be around whether the person who has died expressed any preferences or pre-arranged any elements of their funeral beforehand.
Burial or Cremation?
Would they want a religious, semi-religious or non-religious ceremony?
What style of funeral would they have liked, elaborate or simple, traditional or bespoke?
Do you want to express their unique personality in elements of the ceremony?
How much family and friends involvement would you like in the planning of the arrangements and participation in the ceremony?

Funeral Costs
Clear information about what you should expect to pay for the funeral is a fundamental part of Garvey & Young's Ethos.
The cost of a funeral will depend on a number of factors: whether you choose burial or cremation and the third-party fees that apply at your preferred cemetery or crematorium.
The total funeral cost will be made up of our professional fees, any additional services selected and the third-party fees that apply.
Many families find comfort in the traditional church service and others want to express their beliefs in a place that has special meaning to them.
Whichever you choose we will guide and support you every step of the way adding personal touches that will be personal for you.
We will never advise you to purchase or select services that are not required nor will any additional fees be added that you have not requested or are unaware of.